"The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or touched-they must be felt with the heart." Hellen Keller

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I am officially stressed! This moving stuff is FOR THE BIRDS! I kind of wish they would have said, ok, you have one week to pack and get out. I work well under pressure! I don't work so well when we drag it out so very long! I packed some last weekend and this weekend is a three-day weekend and so I plan on packing even more. I have already succeeded in packing things I needed, yay for me! No surprise there and I feel like that will just get worse.
Bryson is feeling much better. He started getting a cold right around New Years and that sucker hung on for dear life. I finally took him to the doctor, even though I knew there wasn't much they could do for him but they gave him some breathing treatments, which he thinks are just so funny. They make him kind of wild and crazy but in a good way, very entertaining. He was sleeping SOOOO terrible for the past three weeks or so. It got worse and worse. It was to the point where he was up literally every hour, like a newborn. Then he quit that and instead he got up once a night and STAYED up for hours! That sucked even more! On Monday at the doctor I asked her about letting him "cry it out", which actually KILLS me but I wanted to know in case I really got the nerve to do it. Well I guess Bryson was listening because as of that night he has slept ALL night EVERY NIGHT SINCE. Hee,hee! So funny! He is picking up on his eating a little more since he was sick, which is good. He had gotten to the point where ALL he did was drink his Pediasure. At the doctor's office he weighed 24 pounds, which clothes and all on but he just looks tiny to me. It could be that my other two kids are GIANT!
Kory started driver's ed and that is going well so far. Just as I had imagined, he is informing me of all my driving mistakes. This morning as I drove over a curb to get in the Starbuck's line I said to him, "bet they don't teach you that in Drivers Ed!" He said, "no, they don't, because it is illegal!" Hee, hee!
Riley is Riley...goofy as ever. Seems he is really venturing to attend the public school system next year. I am both nervous and excited for this. I think he will truly enjoy it!
My husband is home A LOT now! And, ladies, needless to say he is ON MY NERVES! I am soooooo not used to him being around. It is just going to take some time I know but HOW MUCH? :) Anyway, lots of changes but all is good. This time last year B was still sick (had RSV actually) but getting ready to go to the 8th floor and come home. Seems like a lifetime ago!!!!!!!!!! Love ya!

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