However we did have a nice weekend anyway. And Monday the kids were off because of Columbus Day and so me and Riley and B went to the park. At first Bryson wasn't sure what to do. He has been to the park before but not a lot because he just can't do the heat. I'm not sure if that is a heart thing (I think it is a little)but Monday the weather was so great! Anyway, he ran around haphazardly and pointed and laughed and talked and tried to steal some kid's remote control car. (he is toddler and EVERYTHING belongs to HIM!)
The funny part is that there are slides and toys and gadgets and swings but that is not what Bryson truly loved. The park was right in front of the hospital (the one he was born in!) and there was a handicap ramp that lead to a locked door for hospital staff and patients and ALL Bryson wanted to do was run up the ramp and back down the ramp, over and over and over! Riley just did not get why the kid would want to run up and down the ramp. Goofy!
So afterwards we went to get something to drink. Bryson wore us OUT! I thought this kid with heart defects was supposed to tire out easily! Could of fooled me!
Got smoothie????
And this one is just because I want you to see how goofy this kid is!
Anyway we had a nice, relaxing weekend where we played and had lots of fun being silly. It was a nice break from our crazy schedule!
I have some exciting news, actually TWO bits of exciting news.
First, drum roll please......................I passed my Generalist exam! YEEEEEHAW! (yes I just yeehawed!) SOOOOO glad for this! Such a HUGE weight off of my shoulders and now I am certified to be a teacher! There is only one campus I want to work at so I have let that principal know and I am waiting patiently. It will more than likely be next year but that is ok with me. I am just so glad to be in this position and so blessed in my career.
And number two.........Bryson has been picked to be the Grand Marshall for our local heart walk! Yea, so exciting! I just found out today so I really have NO idea what this entails but I know it is going to be great! I really want people to hear his story for the simple fact that HE IS A MIRACLE! And I want others to have awareness of the #1 birth defect. So many children go undiagnosed and pass away without anyone ever knowing there was a heart defect. There have been some with Bryson's very same defect that went home and passed because no one knew. The facts about congenital heart defects are staggering and this is a way for people to be educated......and to hear his amazing.......truly amazing story! I can't wait. As I said I don't yet know what a Grand Marshall does but I picture us hoisting him up on our shoulders (don't tell my mom about that, she will freak) and shouting BRYSON, BRYSON as we walk in a parade. I know, hilarious right! I know that isn't really how it works but I think it is funny that I can't get that image out of my head. :) Anyway, I meet with the woman from the American Heart Association this afternoon and I will have more information then. SO EXCITED!
Love to you all!!!!
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