This picture is a blast from the past! I just wanted to post it because I love it! I know Bryson isn't happy but I sure am! This is when he was on the road to recovery and we had so much new hope and excitement and I was getting to hold him every day. It was Heaven as you can see from the expression on my face! :)
Such an exciting time for Bryson! My bestest friend Kelley made and delivered his "Heartbeats for Bryson" shirts for the walk! YAH! They turned out great! Riley actually helped in making the shirts. When we first talked about a heart walk he drew a heart walking down a cute! Kelley used that idea to make our walking heart! We are so excited about the walk. We have had a lot of donations and people wanting to walk with us! It should be fun!
And.....let's see....Bryson peed in the potty this morning. From what my mom says she was far more excited about it than Bryson was. That kid IS NOT a morning person. He is like me, he gets all fired up at night and has trouble going to sleep but he can sleep until 11 everyday if we let him. I love that about him! :)
He got his teeth checked and cleaned
AND Bryson got his beads of courage. I am so excited about that and so was Riley. He spent the rest of the night stringing beads together to make necklaces. He received over 750 beads. Each bead represents something different. Some examples of what he received beads are...
nights spent in the hospital
days intubated
needle pokes
blood taken for labs
cath lab
special bead for the day he was released from hospital
And this kid earned EVERY SINGLE BEAD!
Anyway, these beads are so very special to us and I hope one day when he is older he will feel the same way. Right now I just think that he thinks they look delicious. LOL!
Oh and Kory is taking his driving test today so WE WILL SEE! He is so nervous but he is a great kid and he will do fine! I will be back to post lots of pictures of the heart walk, Halloween, Kory driving (or not driving!) Oh and Riley was invited to be on a "specialty team" for football....kind of like All Stars for football so that ought to be fun!
Be Good, love you all! :)
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