As of late, I am back in the blog-reading frenzy state that I often find myself in. I really do try to stop...I delete the link and then I find myself frantically searching for it again until I find it. I feel like I am abandoning these kids and their families if I quit reading their stories. I find myself excited to be back at work on Monday so I can read about what happened to them over the weekend. This weekend was quite a bummer for many of these families. I don't know how they do it! I know people often said the same of us a year ago, but the truth do what you have to do for your children. You may not do it in a sane manner, or in the manner someone else might have pulled it off, but nevertheless, you keep trudging along, knowing that someday you will look back and say, "man, how did I do that??" I find myself asking myself the same question (yes I talk to myself often!) Somedays I just berate myself because after all that we have been through I get so irritated at Bryson for not sleeping at night. I mean really? Last year at this time I would have given ANYTHING to be up all night with my baby, if it meant being at HOME! I think sometimes we just forget how blessed we are....we forget how hard some people have it while we complain of trivial things. Sometimes I think it is good to have a reminder! So tonight when Bryson is screaming from his crib, I will remember that there is a mother in Dallas, Texas right now at Children's hospital who isn't even allowed to hold her baby, and I will walk to B's room and take his rotten, spoiled hiney in my room so he can play pillow peek-a-boo with his brother instead of sleeping away soundly in his crib. Sleep can wait!!!!
Enough of my soap box, sappy stuff, right?
The kids are so great! And even though this has been such a busy time in our lives, it is starting to wind down and there are some things I will truly miss. Football for Riley is over.....the kids did sooooo good! They got into the playoffs but lost to a team that was not only undefeated, but pretty much mowed over everyone they played. We lost 0-6 so we gave them a run for their money. The kids were so heartbroken and many cried. Riley's eyes were welled up full of tears and it sure tugged at my heart. We sure will miss the games! But so far I have NOT missed practice, at all. The wind was blowing like 60 miles an hour yesterday and I was SO GLAD that we didn't have practice!
Over the weekend I also got the opportunity to hear Kory's band play and they were really good! Kory is the youngest at 15, the others are 16, 17 and 22. They are really great kids! They play their first show this weekend and have been booked to play at a pretty big show here in Odessa in late November, early December. I am so proud of my boys!
Bryson is as silly as ever! I swear he couldn't be any cuter if he tried. He just wants someone to pay attention to him 24/7! Including nighttime!!!! He now runs and trot while holding on to the furniture. He refuses to let go! The pediatrician told me that is not a delay in his physical ability as much as it is just personality. I took him to the doctor yesterday because he had a big bruise and a knot under his chin. I swore I wouldn't be paranoid about the kid and really I have done well but all I could think was that they x-rayed him 7 million times and now he his growing cancer in his chin! I couldn't help it! Needless to say, it was nothing, just somewhere he hurt himself and nothing more. I took the day off to take him to the doctor and I so much enjoyed the time with just him while the other two were at school. He crawled all over me and giggled and played and we just kind of melted into each other. It was so nice! So far his only word is "no no" and he barks. So I guess you could say he is an argumentative dog! He loves animals and cars and sometimes I catch him attacking the cats. Usually he is super sweet and nice to animals but every once and a while he gets that little mischevious look at then you hear the cat yell and run. She doesn't have claws and every now and then when he won't leave her alone she slaps him in the head with her paw. The look on his face is priceless, he seems so shocked and then laughs. Silly, silly kid!
Looking forward to posting Halloween pics! I promise to post more pictures of these sweet, little munchkins!
Hope you all are well!
Love Amy
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