Is this not the cutest kid you ever saw???? And rotten....oh, he smells he is so rotten! Seriously rotten!
This is what happens when you let a 13 month old help you carve pumpkins! He kept "tasting" the pumpkin. He does a lot of tasting lately. My mom sets up a "buffet" for him in the morning on our ottoman/coffee table thingy. She puts all sorts of snacks and cereals on it and he just chows down all morning. He has also decided that he likes tv. It sounds terrible, but boy am I glad for that! Come on....let's all be honest! When we need a small reprieve from a screaming child, what better to entertain him than some "Yo Gabba Gabba!" Just so you can tell the huge bridge that I have between my children...with Kory it was Barney and Blue's Clues and Power Rangers....with Riley it was the Wiggles (shoot me!) and now we are doing Yo, Yo Gabba Gabba and it turns out Blue's Clues is still on. And even more sad it turns out that I still remember all the songs! Yes, I am truly pathetic!
As for the hamburger pumpkin in the picture above...well here is the deal with that. Every year at Riley's school there is a pumpkin carving contest. This contest is HARD-CORE! I mean HARD-CORE! I would love to tell you that Riley and I have this meaningful and special time carving the pumpkin and we watch Halloween movies and eat popcorn balls. Here is the cold, hard truth....I start searching on the internet for months before October finding the perfect pumpkin...I do research to find the best options and then I greedily work on the pumpkin all by myself, forbiding Riley to touch it because he might mess it up. My mind is on the grand prize! I WANT to win at least ONE category in this contest before I die! I will! Two years ago I glued approximately seven full bags of candy corn to a carved pumpkin with a hot glue gun. It took me like five hours and an entire bottle of wine to finish it and we got "honorable mention". Honorable my butt! This year, with the hamburger pumpkin we got........NOTHING! In fact, someone else did the same pumpkin! Seriously! Someday, victory will be mine! Until then I guess I will let B help me carve my pumpkins and we will settle for a better year than last! :)
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