I guess I have been on a blogging hiatus. Seems like lately if it has not been one thing...it is another. Anyway, we had spring break last week and aside from our dishwasher leaking and ruining our kitchen floor. Epic fail! But we decided to leave town anyway and head to the big town of San Antonio. It was fun but I learned a lesson...don't go to San Antonio during spring break...everyone else had the same idea! Actually I am beginning to think that traveling during Spring Break to anywhere is a bad idea. I forget that the entire state of Texas has the same time off. Oh well! It was fun anyway.
We started off by heading to the Alamo. Riley has been dying to see the Alamo!
That night we had dinner with family we have not seen in FOREVER. It was great!
The next day we ventured on to Fiesta Texas. It was fun but sooooo crowded! Bryson wanted to ride everything. lol!
Needless to say, we wore someone OUT! But it took two full days of going NON-STOP for that to happen. This kid who was suspected of having problems with his energy level has enough energy for 50 people!!!!!!!!
The last day we stopped at the zoo. I don't have pictures of that day really cause it was sooo crowded that we got there early and literally RAN through the entire thing so that we could make it through before it was wall-to-wall people. NUTS! Anyway, all in all, a fun trip! But I did enjoy being home the tail end of the week to do some stuff around the house and relax a little. Bryson enjoyed the time too. the weather was beautiful and so we spent a lot of time outside which he loves. OMG, this kid would LIVE outside. He screams and screams when we go in. In fact, I made him come in and get a bath and he refused to take his shoes off because he thought we were going back outside. He is so funny! Here is he doing "yard work". LOL!
Before we left for San Antonio we had the Bryson Young benefit. The event was put together by the Number One Stunnas...a motorcycle group. They ride "crotch rockets" and my, oh my what an amazing group of people! Honestly! Such great people! This is a group of individuals who don't even know us and got together to raise funds for our beautiful baby boy. The turn out was great but the weather was awful. It was very cold so we would be outside for a little bit and then back in again. They had a bbq, donations were taken, they had a 50/50 draw and so much more. They were able to raise $1000. Can you believe! I was so stunned! Every penny will be going to Children's hospital in Dallas. We want to use it for a moral boosting picnic for the staff but we aren't sure what we are going to do quite yet. Anyway, I am so humbled by everyone's generosity. And, the reason the entire thing started was because of a classmate of Riley's named Marina. What an amazing girl! She mentioned it to her uncle, he is in the motorcycle group. He started the logistics and the whole family took part. In the end Marina wrote a speech and said it front of everyone. I was soooo proud of her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You think I can talk Riley into asking her to marry him!? LOL! Anyway, I will let you know when we take the money to Dallas and see our great group of doctors and nurses yet again! Check out the pics of the benefit below!
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