Well so far the beast of anger has not reared its ugly head this week. Yea, it is only Monday but I gotta start somewhere! :) We had a great weekend. We just chilled and my husband and I even had a date night! So fun! We ate at a fancy restaurant with friends and I didn't have to ask for a booster seat or tell one of my kids to quit smacking. LOL! Then we saw "War Horse"....geez, most depressing movie EVER...geez, I swear at one point I looked at my husband and said,"if someone else dies or gets beaten in the next 10 minutes I am leaving the theater!" It did have a happy ending but I swear I was exhausted when we left from being so upset. Anyway, all in all....good times. We have been spending so much time watching football in our house. I never really got into it before but now I LOVE it! I can't get enough...and how bout those Broncos! Love me some Tebow! What a great, inspirational man. My son said he read online that they put a mic on him on the sidelines and he sings praise worship music and old church hymns on the sidelines. :) Truly amazing.....
Speaking of amazing....you have to check out the story of Ben Breedlove. He was a normal Texas teen except he had a heart condition his entire life that on Christmas day took his life. However, he before he passed (just days before) he posted his story online in the most amazing way. Check it out!
It touched my heart so much because of Bryson and all of his heart friends. There are so many and we talk about them at the "kid" level but at the teen level it is a whole different ballgame. Plus, when Ben spoke of the bright light I was so moved. I truly think Bryson has seen that light...and was invited to come...but for some reason, he stayed here with us. That is something I thank God for every, single day.
Please pray for Ben's family as they learn to live without that beautiful smile. Also pray for Haven Grace's family, as she passed recently as well after her heart gave out (post transplant). It is so sad that these children have to be taken from their parents. I cannot imagine. Yesterday as I sat and watched Bryson play in the tub this strange feeling came over me. I even posted it on facebook saying "have you ever had that time in your life when everything slows down and you think, WOW! I am so truly, truly blessed!" That is the feeling I got! I think to myself, how could it get any better than this! Normally, I would think, "oh no, what is gonna happen...things are going too good!" but I didn't do that....and I am not going to do that. I am going to ride this wave and enjoy this time, PERIOD! I am going to enjoy lazy Saturday morning with hot coffee and a sweet, baby boy in my lap....watching football with my boys.....long awaited date nights with my hubby...all of it! I can't live my life in fear, in worry....because it really isn't true that "if I worry about it, it won't happen!" Granted, right before Bryson was born I was worried sick that after he was born he would get the flu....and lo and behold he didn't get the flu.....yea, he got A LOT WORSE! LOL! :) You have to laugh, cause if you didnt'....you would cry. And whose got time for tears....especially when your looking at this sweet face! :)
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