Here is Riley, the "great, white hunter" He didn't get a deer at the lease so he settled for a bird in our alley. Sorry I haven't been around lately. I really enjoyed my week home and I kept fairly busy but at least we slept late and had some down time. Now that we are back to work and school......GEEZ! So busy! Riley is back in the select football full force. Truth is though, as much as he kind of dreaded it, he loves it. This weekend we have yet another tournament and it is going to be sooooooo cold! UGH! Oh well, should be fun anyhow. I love the cold weather when I don't have to sit out in it and I sure hope it is cold like this for Christmas. I can't stand it when it is all bright and sunny and warm for Christmas.....it just makes it so much more UN-Christmas-like. Speaking of Christmas, I am glad to say that Bryson has finally gotten over the "magic" of the tree and its ornaments and is beginning to leave it all alone. I swear he has hoarded 25% of my ornaments somewhere in his room. Stinker! We are getting into the swing of the holidays with Christmas parties galore. MAN! Last year I worked in an office with 6 people and we did very little. Now I work in the big central office and just in our department we look over like 5 different areas and so I think I have 5 or 6 parties to go to, in 2 weeks! WOW! I love it though and Riley is having a great chili frito pie and cookie party at his school too. We are expecting lots of family and friends this year so I am excited for that. Thanksgiving was so quiet but Christmas will not be. I really look forward to it all! I have to brag about my children while I am on here. You know it is the main reason I still have my blog! Tee, hee! So Kory is in AP classes already and is so smart. However high school is proving to be much more challenging than junior high was. He has always made great grades without even putting forth an effort but now he has to work and I think it is a shock to his system! Anyway, in addition to his World History AP class, he was invited into some special secret, uber smart history class. So proud of him! He has also been approached by the Decathlon and the Debate team. He says he isn't quite ready for those but I wish he would. Anyway, I am so proud of him! Riley is kicking butt too! He has made great grades at school and even though this is his first year in public school he is the social butterfly and loves it. And in football, well, they love him. It doesn't hurt that he is the second biggest kid on the team. Remember the reference, "tank 2". My kids are so huge! Bryson has gotten so tall. I don't remember either of my other boys being so tall as he is now. And he is adorable as always and talking up a storm! For about two weeks we went from "momma" to "mommy" and my goodness I swear he said it every two seconds. SUPER cute but I have to admit I got kinda sick of hearing it! :) And....big news.....remember Lloyd (the green, satiny blanket that is constantly in his mouth)well, he had surgery. Don't worry, it was minor. Well, I suppose being CUT IN HALF isn't too minor, is it????? Yes, my mom cut Lloyd in half. He is soooooo attached that he won't even let us wash it so we figured that if we "halfed" it then we could wash one, etc... In reality he carries them both around but he thinks it is hilarious that she cut Lloyd in half. Silly boy!
Here he is in his "mommy" phase. Kory is the one at the end of the video. Such a dork!
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