I have lots of pictures to post from our exciting Spring Break. Truth be told, I probably should have saved my money since I don't really know my job situation but I sure needed some road time for therapy, and it was all worth it. It was an EXHAUSTING Spring Break though. We usually don't do anything for Spring Break and we literally traveled the entire state of Texas. Let's see....we started out heading to Sea World in San Antonio, which was fun. Bryson enjoyed it but he wasn't too impressed. He thinks every animal we see is a dog, which makes me laugh. Then we drove on to Katy (near Houston) to see my brother. We had a really good time. We ate at some cool places, went to the zoo, went to Kemah and Costco (my brother was really into showing us Costco), truth be told, I wasn't that impressed. :) I did LOVE Kemah though, such a cool place! Bryson liked it even better than Sea World. I think the sea air did us some good! Me and Kory rode roller coasters wherever we went, which was cool. Riley isn't quite into roller coasters yet but I wish he was! Then we made the long trek back to Odessa and had the busiest few days ever, just getting caught up on cleaning and grocery shopping and all that mess. Somewhere in that week I caught what I like to affecionately call, "THE BLACK PLAGUE"....but I will return to that later. Bryson had been coughing and had a runny nose for weeks and weeks as well but they kept telling me it was allergies so we just went with it. So, come Friday, we headed to Amarillo, yep, Amarillo. Honestly it was the best time ever, seriously! We took Kory and his friend (we as in my mom and Riley and me and B) to a deathmetal concert. We didn't "do" a lot, we swam in the pool at the hotel and ate some places and such but it was just FUN. I had never been to Amarillo and the GPS kept taking us out to the middle of nowhere and saying "you have arrived" when I had typed in Target. It was just a fun road trip. We only stayed one night and on the way home we stopped at a super cool museum in Canyon and Riley was in Heaven, he loves museums, especially the stinking gift shops! Bryson really liked the museum too, he just talked and pointed. So we head home on Saturday and both me and Bryson had felt yucky while we were gone but not too bad. On Sunday I felt terrible and he was still coughing and so we went to the Urgent Care center. Long story short, what a waste of time! I won't go into the idiot doctor story or the four hour wait (thanks Mom, AGAIN, for staying with us) but OMG! Another long story short, I have been so sick for almost two weeks....Bryson ended up having what they thought was pneumonia but was actually bronchitis. He got a shot and was so much better in four hours. I seriously thought I would NEVER get well!!!! I think it was all the stress from everything just tumbling down. Speaking of stress I am definetly going to be going to get my teacher certification starting in June.....so, my entire summer is going to be spent going to school. Not exactly the summer I was dreaming of, but it will pay off in the end. Needless to say, I am freaking out but I have also realized that (as cliche as it sounds) God is opening doors for me, doors I would have never bothered to open on my own. I think in a few years I am going to look around and realize that I am the happiest I have ever been. I need to get away from my current job and I would have never done that on my own, so I am scared but ready and greatful and excited and...........well, we will just see.
Update on Bryson, the kid is HILARIOUS! I will say through all of this stress (and let me just say my job hasn't been the only stress, OMG!) it is so nice to come home and see those three, sweet faces. Bryson is always sooooo excited to see me and so sweet and cuddly and funny. He is such a joy! Mark is really enjoying being at home more and being with him and the boys. And I love watching the boys with him, they are truly going to be such great fathers one day. Bryson has taught our entire family so much and I am so thankful for my family!!!!
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