I do have children other than Bryson but they just aren't as photogenic right now! And they don't pose for pictures like B does! I do love them all the same, I swear!
I have noticed that a lot of people in the blogging world do a year in review and make some predictions and wants for the year to come and me being a "follower", here goes!
Bryson was supposed to go to eighth floor at the very beginning of January but he contracted RSV, then me and the boys got sick ....Towards the end of January we spent our very last weekend on the ICU floor and then on January 25th, after 138 days in the ICU we were moved to the transitional floor. What a day! He ended up getting very sick one night in ICU, I thought it was all said and done and we were headed back to the ICU but slowly he got better and each day I learned how to take care of him. I learned how to give him his meds through the ng tube, how to reinsert the ng tube (which I ended up doing SO MANY times later on!)Bryson had a really hard time tolerating feeds and I was just so sure we were going to be stuck on the 8th floor forever!
February 5th was the day I had waited for for nearly five months! Bryson was released from the hospital! It was a day I will NEVER forget, not EVER! Our first night at our hotel in Dallas was a really, really long one but we made it. More ng tube lessons!
February 6th Bryson was at HOME! WOW!
February was super, super stressful and scary but great at the same time. Bryson threw up ENDLESSLY! His med schedule was just horrendous! I replaced his ng tube CONSTANTLY! His withdrawal from meds was just terrible, I thought we would never get through it! UGH!
Bryson stopped throwing up so much, and started gaining weight. He was officially off of all of his pain meds and was through with withdrawal and was seriously a different baby. My mom, the physical therapist and I spent ENDLESS hours working on "catching" Bryson up to his peers. I began to think it would NEVER happen! My mom started watching Bryson and I went back to work
Still waiting on little man to catch up and I seriously considering putting in the g tube because he REFUSES to eat. I am so glad he is home but seriously having a hard time with
Riley celebrates his ninth birthday and B is finally starting to catch up. In a matter of three months he made up for 6-7 months. GO B! School is winding down and the kids are READY!
Vacation time! We all go on our first family vacation! Great time and I am so thankful for my mom/nanny who took care of B so I could have fun!
July was a busy month! It is decided that Bryson needs to have his tongue and flap above his teeth cut. NOT FUN! HOWEVER, after the fourth of July weekend he decides he wants to take a bottle. In July we were able to take out his ng tube for good! This day was almost as exciting as him going home!!!! Bryson also gets circumcised. ALSO NOT FUN! I am sure Bryson is getting really tired of this by now but we are DONE with procedures! Oh, and the physical therapist dumped Bryson because he was all caught up!
Time for school again!?!?!?!? Kory is a high school freshman! BUT where we live you still go to junior high. Bryson finally got teeth, he got like 4 at once! We headed to the river for Labor Day and had SO much fun! Even B loved it! Football starts for Riley!
Kory is found by his band and gets to start practicing and playing some live shows. He is excited! We are doing football, band practice and caring for a baby. Needless to say September is a blur but we did have Bryson's BIG FIRST BIRTHDAY party! SO cool! Bryson is one!!!
Kory turns 15! We pack up the family and head to Dallas Children's to donate gifts and see our favorite doctors and nurses. It felt so good to see them again and such a good healing tool for me! Bryson is unaware and cute as can be! I do the math and Bryson's beads of courage total 736! Bryson's real first Halloween! He didn't really care but enjoyed the chocolate. He is eating good but continues to not like textures of food and chews and spits it out a lot. EEWW!
My night terrors hit an all time peak and are terrible! We celebrate our first Thanksgiving with Bryson. We attend church with Bryson two times and on Thanksgiving he gets sick, a throat infection and makes his first trip to the ER here after we drive all the way back from Brownwood.
Kory's stint with the band is officially over! Our busy time with football and band is over and the holiday rush begins! There are many questions as to if Mark will be transferred and finally we find out we are staying and start looking for houses here. We spend our first Christmas as a family at home! So great! Right before Christmas we found a house and two days after Christmas we put our house on the market and sell it the first day!
WOW! What a year! Sorry, it is so long but there was a lot to report!
We are moving January 27th! CRAZY! I love our new place, it is HUGE and so nice and I am nervous and excited. 2011 is going to be very different for us. Bryson continues to thrive and is just plain CRAZY! You would NEVER, in a million years, guess he went through all the struggles he endured! Kory is going to drivers education in January and by February he will have his learners permit and can drive with me! OMG! Riley is just being Riley and is a HUGE redneck! We are considering not doing private school anymore and he might be going back to public school since our new home is right across the street from the elementary school. Mark is starting a new position that will have him at home a lot more. My job is going to change drastically starting after this school year. I asked for changes, and MAN I got them! Lots of changes for 2011 but I am ready and I am excited! I pray that you all have the BEST YEAR EVER!
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