I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! Ours was pretty good, very uneventful, which is good I guess. We had big plans for church and several Easter egg hunts but then B decided to get sickly on Saturday night so all that was out the window. I am reminded every so often, what it is like to have a little one again. No plans can be set in stone, gotta be flexible! We did cook at the house and we did an Easter Egg hunt and it was fun. It took Bryson a while to figure it out but once he got the hang of it he liked it. He figured out real quick that if he threw the eggs they came open and candy came out so it became a big game for him. He was eating M&Ms off the floor all afternoon. Goofy kid! Riley still enjoys hunting eggs, which is nice and Kory helped hide them. We spent a lot of time together as a family this weekend and it was nice. I am so proud of my boys because they are so sweet together. I am in awe of how they get along so well. (yea, mark this down for me because I know it won't last forever!) But really, Kory plays with Riley and lets him win and helps him no matter how irritated Riley gets (his temper is not fun sometimes!) and he plays sooooooo sweet with the baby. Riley plays with the baby all the time too. They just all get along so well to have been so far apart in ages. I couldn't be more proud! Other than that, we are all good. Bryson's allergies are flared up again and coupled with cutting some BIG molars on top he is having a heck of a time but not too bad. Riley only has three more weeks left of school and Kory has five. I passed the test (don't want to brag, but I made a 94!) to attend school for my teacher certification and school starts May 6th and seriously we have something going on just almost non-stop until August! It is going to get crazy people! In the meantime I hope we get some MUCH NEEDED rain and I hope I can finish my bible study (Beth Moore) and just enjoy our lives. So far, so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya all!!!
"The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or touched-they must be felt with the heart." Hellen Keller
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Hoppy Easter!
I hope everyone had a Happy Easter! Ours was pretty good, very uneventful, which is good I guess. We had big plans for church and several Easter egg hunts but then B decided to get sickly on Saturday night so all that was out the window. I am reminded every so often, what it is like to have a little one again. No plans can be set in stone, gotta be flexible! We did cook at the house and we did an Easter Egg hunt and it was fun. It took Bryson a while to figure it out but once he got the hang of it he liked it. He figured out real quick that if he threw the eggs they came open and candy came out so it became a big game for him. He was eating M&Ms off the floor all afternoon. Goofy kid! Riley still enjoys hunting eggs, which is nice and Kory helped hide them. We spent a lot of time together as a family this weekend and it was nice. I am so proud of my boys because they are so sweet together. I am in awe of how they get along so well. (yea, mark this down for me because I know it won't last forever!) But really, Kory plays with Riley and lets him win and helps him no matter how irritated Riley gets (his temper is not fun sometimes!) and he plays sooooooo sweet with the baby. Riley plays with the baby all the time too. They just all get along so well to have been so far apart in ages. I couldn't be more proud! Other than that, we are all good. Bryson's allergies are flared up again and coupled with cutting some BIG molars on top he is having a heck of a time but not too bad. Riley only has three more weeks left of school and Kory has five. I passed the test (don't want to brag, but I made a 94!) to attend school for my teacher certification and school starts May 6th and seriously we have something going on just almost non-stop until August! It is going to get crazy people! In the meantime I hope we get some MUCH NEEDED rain and I hope I can finish my bible study (Beth Moore) and just enjoy our lives. So far, so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love ya all!!!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Redneck Summer Fun
Well we had a really nice, relaxing weekend! Went for a walk on Friday night in the neighborhood, which I always love. Saturday the weather was so terrible. The wind was bad enough but the dirt in the air was beyond belief so we stayed in mostly. Both kids had someone stay the night at least one night over the weekend. We played board games, wrestled and as you can see from the pictures we had some backyard redneck fun. On Sunday the wind and dirt finally subsided and we went to Lowe's and picked out flowers to plant. We filled up the plastic alligator pool and let the baby loose. It was hilarious! The water was FREEZING COLD! In fact the bigger kids wouldn't even get in. But B just got right in there and even though he was shivering he was LOVING IT! He thought it was so cool! He would get out and just shake and shiver and freeze and I would wrap him in a towel and he would wait a few minutes and then get right back in. I eventually took off his 10 pound dripping diaper. Riley was horrified that he was naked in the pool. It was truly redneck, even right down to Kory shirt with the sleeves cut off. LOL! It was fun anyhow!
I have been doing my classroom observation hours and I am really starting to get excited about teaching. I think before it was just so very foreign to me, but now I can see myself doing it. So very many big changes coming up in our lives! Kory in high school and driving in October! Riley going into public school (he and I both are very excited about this one!) Me (hopefully) starting a new job! After June 30th I will never work in tv again and never see Channel 10 or ECISD again. SO WEIRD!!!! And it won't be long and it will be time to potty train Bryson! THAT ought to be interesting! So much to look forward too and I know God has great things planned for us! :)
Monday, April 11, 2011
I have written on the blog in a while because I haven't, honestly, had too much to say. I know, shocking, isn't it??? I am in the waiting game really. I am waiting to see if I get another position. I am waiting to go back to school for my certification. I am waiting for school to be over. I am waiting for Riley's birthday. Just waiting! I am enjoying myself for the most part in my wait. I tell you what, when you have to come to a job each day for absolutely no reason at all, other than to remember you aren't really wanted and feel bitter about it....well you begin to enjoy your home life all the better. I can't wait at the end of the day to see my family. I LOVE my new house so much! I LOVE my neighborhood. It is so peaceful and nice and welcoming. I LOVE living in a cul de sac! When Riley wakes up on weekends he opens his windows and we watch the squirrels chase each other all over the neighborhood. There are so many, I guess they feel safe tucked away in the safety of the cul de sac. At night I put B in his little car stroller thing (couldn't think of a better word for it at the time) and Riley gets on his bike and we walk to the duck pond near our house. Which, by the way, has dried up into a small, pathetic puddle. We need rain SO BAD! There are fires all around us and the 60 mile an hours winds are going to start then whole town on fire. But, at least I have a reprieve.....HOME. It means more now than ever. Kind of like when B was sick and we were away so long and when we did come back for a while we were missing a piece of our family. Home takes on a whole new meaning when tragedy strikes. Sometimes it is good to just put it all in perspective!!!!!
Till next time....................................
Till next time....................................
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